
Ana Chana

Matt and I would like to introduce you to one of our favorite people......whom we've never actually met. :)

Matt and I sponsor a little girl that lives in La Paz, Bolivia. She just turned 8 in October and her name is Ana. Ana likes playing with dolls, does "OK" in school, and always gets along with her brothers and sisters. She draws us adorable pictures, that always seem to include some type of bird, and always asks us what the weather is like in Oklahoma. Maybe we have a future meterologist on our hands! :)

In college, a group of my friends and I (which included Matt) decided that we would begin sponsoring children through
Compassion. We all agreed that once we graduated we would split up the children that we had been sponsoring as a group and stay with them until they aged out of the program that Compassion offered in their area. Matt and I took Ana, and the commitment of $28.00 a month. That doesn't seem like a ton of money as I type this, but for 2 newlyweds that had approximately $300.00 to our name, and were determined to make it on our own with no help from anyone (much to my parents dismay) some months it seemed like a lot, and truly did require sacrifice.

Each year we get an updated picture of Ana. The image of the first picture we evere received of Ana is absolutely seared into my mind. She was 3 years old, and absolutely TERRIFIED. You could see the white line on the ground they had obviously told her to stand on, which she obediently did. She was wearing an outfit that I am absolutley sure was the best her parents could put together. I actually cried the first time I saw her picture. So, since 2003 we have been exchanging letters, pictures, and gifts. We send stickers, post it notes, cards, etc. Compassion offers trips to go visit your sponsored child, and it's on the long term goal list. We WILL hug this little girl.......I have to. It's a strange feeling to love someone you've never met, but we do.

Compassion's program is unlike many others. They don't just provide food, water, etc. Our $32.00 a month goes to help pay for many things for Ana that can help to ensure that her children won't need to be enrolled in this program. She attends school each day, and has a tutor. She goes to Sunday School and church, and learns how much Jesus loves her. She has the right type of health care and nutrition that her tiny body needs to grow and develop. When she gets older, they will help train her so that she will always be able to provide for herself, and if she works hard and wants to, may even get to go to college someday..... Gary England look out, little miss Ana might be coming for your job! :)

If you want any more information you should check out


Anonymous said...

I love that you are so passionate about this! We are still sponsoring my little angel from Malawi and have been for 4 years!! What a blessing it is! I agree with you...can't wait to hug that sweet little girl one day. Makes 30 bucks a month totally worth it!

Jessica said...

Hey Ali,

I haven't talked to you in forever but somehow I found your blog and just wanted to say I completely agree with how strange it is to love someone who you don't know in person! I have sponsored a little girl in India since she was 6 and she's now 13! Every year when I get the information to go visit her I pray and pray that it will be the year :) I know I will be over there at some point to meet her in person! And I know you and Matt will get to meet your little Ana. I hope things are going well for you Ali! :)

Love ya,
Jessica (Shockley)

Knoxville said...

Hey Ali!
It was great to hear from you. I actually found your blog back around Christmas time I think. I need to add you on mine. Abigail is a gift. We are so blessed. She is so happy and so healthy. God has given us above and beyond what we dreamed of. We are planning to sponsor a Compassion child around Abigail's age for her to connect to as she grows up. It looks like you and Matt are doing well and enjoying your 'children.' May God continue to richly bless your family!