
Think Pink Week

This week is Think Pink Week at Covington. Matt is the FCA director at the high school, and him and his FCA leadership team along with another organization are sponsoring it. Today was pink ribbon day at school, and they are ending the week with a Pink Frenzy at the basketball game on Friday night. The leadership team designed shirts to sell, and at our little bitty high school they sold like 175! All proceeds are going to be given to the Kay Yow WBCA cancer fund, and the goal is to help raise awareness about the growing population of women that die every year to breast cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that has touched my family, and several others that I love. It's scary, debilitating, and it doesn't discriminate...young, old, sick, and healthy alike. Every penny that is put toward researching and finding a cure is a good investment in my opinion.

I remember being in high school, and thinking that the world ended at the town's limits. I was completely oblivious to the things that were going on all around me in the world because I was so wrapped up in my own life and relationships. I am so proud of Matt and these students for breaking the mold, and being aware of the type of suffering people go through all around them, and actually doing something about it. Developing these habits of getting involved and investing in the lives of others is priceless.

If you want to contribute, just go HERE.

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