

An Ode to the Hubby in honor of Valentine's Day......

This Valentine's Day was absolutely the best ever....he's so thoughtful. I'm pretty spoiled everyday, and this holiday is no exception. I do most of the blogging, so I thought I would do a post about Matt to help you guys get to know him a little bit better.
1. Matt is pretty funny. He's actually just kind of goofy. His family always laughs because he's the worst joke teller, and never has good timing, but if I'm sad.....he's an expert at cheering me up.

2. Matt is the oldest of 4....just barely. He actually has an identical twin named Mike, a younger brother named Mason, and a little sister named Mallory.
3. He's an avid flower buyer. I randomly get flowers all the time at work, home, etc. He is seriously a really good gift buyer. No weird purfume or ugly clothes for this girl. :)
4. He's like the baby whisperer. You know how Cesar Milan has magical powers with dogs, well Matt kind of has that with babies. They LOVE him. Seriously.
5. He dearly loves sports. He loves to golf, play basketball, play homerun derby, etc.

6. He helps me do housework. The man folds laundry, can iron, and can organize the refrigerator like nobody's business.
7. He loves books. He has hundreds and still buys them all the time. One of his dreams is to have a room with bookshelves on all four walls full of his books.
8. He loves Epic movies like Gladiator, Bravehart, Lord of the Rings. I used to resist watching them, but now I'm a fan. There really is something amazing about watching somebody overcome that kind of struggle.

9. He is really passionate about his role as a husband, and his future role of Dad. It's something he constantly prays about and works on. He will readily tell you it's his most important job.
10. He's works a lot with high school age kids through his job and church. He loves it. It's amazing the relationships he's building with these kids.

11. He is a passionate prayer. Sounds funny, but it's true. Not outloud in church or in public settings, but when he's praying for something on our hearts his words have made me cry on several occassions.
12. He eats ice cream freakishly fast. He can empty a huge bowl, dish, etc. in the time I can take just a few bites.

13. He's bad at sitting still. When a group of friends or family is over and we are all just sitting around talking, at any given moment you can look up and Matt will be walking around the room.

14. Matt is incredibly compassionate. He has an incredibly soft heart, and it doesn't embarass him like it does lots of guys.

15. He is the best secret keeper ever. Even if people don't ask him not to tell, he doesn't. Not even me who I think should have the free pass card since I'm his wife, but no. :) It frustrates me sometimes, but I really do appreciate how good and loyal he is.

16. He's freakishly smart, and has an incredible memory when it comes to educational stuff.

17. He loves people really well.

18. He always sees the best in everything....people, bad situations, you name it. He has an uncanny ability to always find the silver lining or the redeeming quality when there doesn't seem to be one.
19. He's good at keeping in touch with his old friends. He makes it a priority to talk to them on the phone. It's impressive, and I wish I was better at it.
20. He loves pumpkin pie more than is imaginable. His favorite time of the year is November-January because so many people make pumpkin pie.

Happy late Valentine's Day babe! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! Aren't husbands just the BEST??