
study, study schools your buddy......

So I know that I've written about how Matt and I are both in school currently. We are both working on Masters degrees....mine in Licensed Counseling and his in Administration. Well I am scheduled to graduate and complete my program in May of this year.....there's just one thing stopping me...... A freakin' huge scary test!!!!

To complete my degree I have to take a national exam to evaluate my skills and knowledge about therapy and counseling. It's long with a lot of questions, and the mere thought of it makes my eye start twitching....it's as scary as it sounds, trust me. Here is the worst part.....I have to take it March 5th.
Currently, this is what I should look like.

(This is actually not me, just a random picture I found, but you get the point.) :)

Here's the absolute kicker, I cannot make myself study. I don't tend to be a procrastinator, in fact my husband (who I love very much, but is one of the world's most dedicated procrastinators) often gets frustrated with me because I cannot just sit down and relax. All of a sudden it is of dire importance for me to organize our monthly bank statements, refill the salt and pepper shakers (what?!?!?!), and scrub down the inside of our microwave like it's about to be inspected by Mr. Clean!

I have no idea what is going on with me, but this is not the time to have a lack of focus. So instead of studying, I'll probably be straightening all the napkins in our napkin holder all the while looking like this......

If you would remember to pray for me on March 5th, I'd appreciate it! :)



This post was prompted by an email I got from a friend with the name that her and her hubby had picked out for their little bundle of joy who is due in a few weeks. Here's the kicker.....I totally didn't like it. It's not anything Matt and I would ever use, but it's pretty perfect for them. I love how that works!

It got me thinking about some of the names that Matt and I have picked out. Now, we obviously have no babies to name as of right now, but it sure doesn't stop us from talking (mostly disagreeing) and dreaming about what we will name our precious ones someday.

I tend to like interesting names that aren't all that common, and Matt tends to be more of a traditionalist most of the time in this area. I tend to like names that would work for either a boy or a girl, and he's adamant that his daughter or son should never be mistaken for the other. :)

So what's in a name? How does it always seem to happen that most people's names fit them perfectly? I'm not sure how or why, but I love the fact that it happens.

So without further adu, here are some of the names that Matt and I really like.... Titus, Eli, and Grayson. (Seems like we can only agree on boys names.....)

So what are some of the names that you either have named your children (or pets) or plan to name future loved ones?



An Ode to the Hubby in honor of Valentine's Day......

This Valentine's Day was absolutely the best ever....he's so thoughtful. I'm pretty spoiled everyday, and this holiday is no exception. I do most of the blogging, so I thought I would do a post about Matt to help you guys get to know him a little bit better.
1. Matt is pretty funny. He's actually just kind of goofy. His family always laughs because he's the worst joke teller, and never has good timing, but if I'm sad.....he's an expert at cheering me up.

2. Matt is the oldest of 4....just barely. He actually has an identical twin named Mike, a younger brother named Mason, and a little sister named Mallory.
3. He's an avid flower buyer. I randomly get flowers all the time at work, home, etc. He is seriously a really good gift buyer. No weird purfume or ugly clothes for this girl. :)
4. He's like the baby whisperer. You know how Cesar Milan has magical powers with dogs, well Matt kind of has that with babies. They LOVE him. Seriously.
5. He dearly loves sports. He loves to golf, play basketball, play homerun derby, etc.

6. He helps me do housework. The man folds laundry, can iron, and can organize the refrigerator like nobody's business.
7. He loves books. He has hundreds and still buys them all the time. One of his dreams is to have a room with bookshelves on all four walls full of his books.
8. He loves Epic movies like Gladiator, Bravehart, Lord of the Rings. I used to resist watching them, but now I'm a fan. There really is something amazing about watching somebody overcome that kind of struggle.

9. He is really passionate about his role as a husband, and his future role of Dad. It's something he constantly prays about and works on. He will readily tell you it's his most important job.
10. He's works a lot with high school age kids through his job and church. He loves it. It's amazing the relationships he's building with these kids.

11. He is a passionate prayer. Sounds funny, but it's true. Not outloud in church or in public settings, but when he's praying for something on our hearts his words have made me cry on several occassions.
12. He eats ice cream freakishly fast. He can empty a huge bowl, dish, etc. in the time I can take just a few bites.

13. He's bad at sitting still. When a group of friends or family is over and we are all just sitting around talking, at any given moment you can look up and Matt will be walking around the room.

14. Matt is incredibly compassionate. He has an incredibly soft heart, and it doesn't embarass him like it does lots of guys.

15. He is the best secret keeper ever. Even if people don't ask him not to tell, he doesn't. Not even me who I think should have the free pass card since I'm his wife, but no. :) It frustrates me sometimes, but I really do appreciate how good and loyal he is.

16. He's freakishly smart, and has an incredible memory when it comes to educational stuff.

17. He loves people really well.

18. He always sees the best in everything....people, bad situations, you name it. He has an uncanny ability to always find the silver lining or the redeeming quality when there doesn't seem to be one.
19. He's good at keeping in touch with his old friends. He makes it a priority to talk to them on the phone. It's impressive, and I wish I was better at it.
20. He loves pumpkin pie more than is imaginable. His favorite time of the year is November-January because so many people make pumpkin pie.

Happy late Valentine's Day babe! :)


Ana Chana

Matt and I would like to introduce you to one of our favorite people......whom we've never actually met. :)

Matt and I sponsor a little girl that lives in La Paz, Bolivia. She just turned 8 in October and her name is Ana. Ana likes playing with dolls, does "OK" in school, and always gets along with her brothers and sisters. She draws us adorable pictures, that always seem to include some type of bird, and always asks us what the weather is like in Oklahoma. Maybe we have a future meterologist on our hands! :)

In college, a group of my friends and I (which included Matt) decided that we would begin sponsoring children through
Compassion. We all agreed that once we graduated we would split up the children that we had been sponsoring as a group and stay with them until they aged out of the program that Compassion offered in their area. Matt and I took Ana, and the commitment of $28.00 a month. That doesn't seem like a ton of money as I type this, but for 2 newlyweds that had approximately $300.00 to our name, and were determined to make it on our own with no help from anyone (much to my parents dismay) some months it seemed like a lot, and truly did require sacrifice.

Each year we get an updated picture of Ana. The image of the first picture we evere received of Ana is absolutely seared into my mind. She was 3 years old, and absolutely TERRIFIED. You could see the white line on the ground they had obviously told her to stand on, which she obediently did. She was wearing an outfit that I am absolutley sure was the best her parents could put together. I actually cried the first time I saw her picture. So, since 2003 we have been exchanging letters, pictures, and gifts. We send stickers, post it notes, cards, etc. Compassion offers trips to go visit your sponsored child, and it's on the long term goal list. We WILL hug this little girl.......I have to. It's a strange feeling to love someone you've never met, but we do.

Compassion's program is unlike many others. They don't just provide food, water, etc. Our $32.00 a month goes to help pay for many things for Ana that can help to ensure that her children won't need to be enrolled in this program. She attends school each day, and has a tutor. She goes to Sunday School and church, and learns how much Jesus loves her. She has the right type of health care and nutrition that her tiny body needs to grow and develop. When she gets older, they will help train her so that she will always be able to provide for herself, and if she works hard and wants to, may even get to go to college someday..... Gary England look out, little miss Ana might be coming for your job! :)

If you want any more information you should check out


Think Pink Week

This week is Think Pink Week at Covington. Matt is the FCA director at the high school, and him and his FCA leadership team along with another organization are sponsoring it. Today was pink ribbon day at school, and they are ending the week with a Pink Frenzy at the basketball game on Friday night. The leadership team designed shirts to sell, and at our little bitty high school they sold like 175! All proceeds are going to be given to the Kay Yow WBCA cancer fund, and the goal is to help raise awareness about the growing population of women that die every year to breast cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that has touched my family, and several others that I love. It's scary, debilitating, and it doesn't discriminate...young, old, sick, and healthy alike. Every penny that is put toward researching and finding a cure is a good investment in my opinion.

I remember being in high school, and thinking that the world ended at the town's limits. I was completely oblivious to the things that were going on all around me in the world because I was so wrapped up in my own life and relationships. I am so proud of Matt and these students for breaking the mold, and being aware of the type of suffering people go through all around them, and actually doing something about it. Developing these habits of getting involved and investing in the lives of others is priceless.

If you want to contribute, just go HERE.