
March Madness

So, March Madness is here once again. Both the hubby and I love this time of year, and look forward to filling out our bracket and joining pools with our friends. We fill them out and hang them on our wall in the living room.

The great part about this whole process, is how we fill out our brackets. We both watch quite a bit of college basketball. When we find a game on TV that we're interested in, we rarely chose to watch anything else. The difference is in the way that my hubby and I watch this said basketball game. Matt is glued to the game, zoned in, quoting stats, and talking abput how so and so totally did/did not fill so and so's shoes from last year's team, while I nod and say uh huh a lot so that he still thinks I'm actually listening and paying attention. Did you follow that??? He's totally into it, remembers players from years ago, knows who is coming up in recruiting classes, etc. When I watch the same basketball game, I normally have my laptop crammed in front of my face reading the Pioneer Woman's latest blog or some other adoption blog I am addicted to. I keep up with the score, and randomly ask Matt what happened when he yells something like..."You've got to be kidding me!" at the TV. I really do enjoy it, just in my own way. I have a hard time just sitting and watching TV, I'm addicted to multi-tasking.

So a week before the brackets are due Matt starts doing research, looking up stats on line, and analyzing which team will "have the advantage because of their unpenetrable zone defense". The day before our bracket is due, Matt prints one out for me and we sit down together to fill mine out. The only research I do is asking Matt random questions about colors and mascots. Since I do watch basketball, some I pick based upon an actual real sports related opionion, but those that I don't know about, I just use other very important information like whether or not I've ever been to that state or University before, or if I know anybody that went to school there.

Part of our conversation this year went like this....Me: "Isn't Maryland's mascot the turtles or something? I like turtles, I always get out and move them on the country road when I see them. I don't want people to run over them, they are so cute. I think they are going to win!" Matt:"Not exactly dear, but turtle is close I guess....do you realize how much of an underdog they are, and what their outside shooting skills are?" Me: "No, but they are still going to win!" Matt: Rolls his eyes and writes down my pick.

Guess who's undefeated in the Bolz Family Bracket Challenge?????? ME!!! I've beat him every single year. It's looking good this year too.

Oh and P.S.- Maryland did win! :)

Do you participate in March Madness? How do you fill out your brackets, scientific research like me or some other way? :) How is your bracket doing so far?


Anonymous said...

HA! I love it! That sounds JUST like what goes on in our house. We do online brackets and Brook named our group "I pick by the cutest colors" just for my benefit :) I was beating him until I lost a couple games this weekend. I hope I can pull it off though and beat him!!!! Good luck with your bracket!

Life in the Unexpected Lane said...

Oh March Madness has taken over the Donaldson household too! So far we are tied and I fill out my bracket about the same way you do. But hey I think my strategy is about as good as Rustin's. But anyways, went to the Dr. today and no change Graham is determined to stay in there forever (I'm convinced of this)! So I have my own sort of March Madness going on!

Life in the Unexpected Lane said...

Message Delivered! I have decided that since Cassie swore up and down I would have him early and that there was no way I would make it all the way to my due date, that Graham heard her and is just proving her wrong. So this is offically Cassie's fault. ( Good logic right?!)