
Free as a bird...

Well my test is officially over, and I won't know the results for atleast 2 more weeks. I wish I could tell you that I was totally relieved, know that I killed that test, and am sitting pretty. Not the case. The test was HARD. Really hard. I studied everything they recommended, and there were lots of people and things on there that I have never even heard of. Atleast it's over, but I am kind of dredding getting those results....yuck.

My husband is wonderful, and to reward all my hard work recommended that I get a new purse! (Yes, he's that great!) I always want a new purse in the spring or summer that is bright and colorful to go with the season. Anyway, I've been looking around and found three that I love, now I just have to decide and then get the nerve up to order it. Here are pictures of them...

Man, this post is pretty deep! :) What do you guys think, which one? Weigh in and tell me which one I should order.

Anyway, the hubby and I are going to the the state basketball games tonight. Should be a good time. I love going, but Matt knows 4 bajillion (yes, that's a word) coaches, so I normally just end up standing and smiling a lot, while they discuss the dynamics of the third quarter or something. Anyway, hope you guys all have a wonderful weekend!


Life in the Unexpected Lane said...

I like the first one! I think I should get a new purse now! LOL I mean after all you are going to ace your test and I am going to have a baby... those are great reasons I think for new accesories! Anyways I bet we see you State Tournament, Rustin wants to go so hopefully I will see you!

Kasey B. said...

I say # 3!

Anonymous said...

i'm digging option 3. Very cute! Congrats on being done!!