

So the past couple of months or so Matt and I have been pumped. After we commited to sponsor a child from Kebebtsehay, we found out that there would be a possibility for a trip to Ethiopia. We started thinking, planning, and dreaming about what it would be like to get to go and serve and spend time with those precious children. We have been praying for an opportunity like this for quite a while....so it seemed like this was perfect and an answer to our prayers. Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. We get an email explaining that the trip was in April, the cost, the activities that were planned such as VBS, etc.

April....what a month. Matt is teaching school, and will be in the middle of baseball season. Just a little side note, teachers get 3 personal days a year, and we would be gone 8 working days. I will be finishing up my Master's degree and in a statistics class that I've been putting off for 3 years because I'm so terrified of it, preparing for my national exams which I will take March 6, and to top things off I am suppose to go to a training for my job during that time. Nice.
You've gotta be kidding me right????? As we continued to think and pray, despite what our desires were....God was saying wait. No matter how we tried to ratioanlize, change the circumstances, and work around the hurdles....He kept saying wait. For all of you who know me, you know that I tend to run short on patience. My husband on the other hand is like Job, and puts me to shame with his unending patience. Wait is like a dirty word to me. So after more whining than should have been allowed, and several instances where Matt would give me a look like only he can after I'd created this crazy, absolutely ridiculously impossible idea about how we could make this work.....we resigned that we will do just that. Wait. We'll wait until He says it's time to go....and when it is time we'll be the first ones in line! :)
Here is a picture of Bear and I on Christmas Day...I'm posting it because I'm still being a big whiny baby and seeing his cuteness makes me feel better! He's cute enough to make anyone feel a little bit better! :)

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