

For those of you who know me, right now you are thinking...."Ali is going to blog about basketball? This should be good...."

Well you are all right, I know very little about basketball, though I'm learning all the time. I now know what a box and 1 is thank you very much! :) This week I've watched something ridiculous like 6 or 7 games, and there's more on the agenda for tonight and tomorrow as well.

This post won't be so much about basketball as it will be about how important it's become to me in the past few months. When Matt and I got married we shared a ton of interests, and still do. We both love being outside, concerts, music, missions, children, family, thrift store shopping, baseball, etc. etc. But basketball wasn't one of those things that we shared. His love of basketball was as foreign to me, as my love of a new pair of shoes was to him. He used to think they are just shoes, and I used to think what's the big deal, it's just a game. And we are both right...they are just shoes, and after all it IS just a game, but to the person who loves it...it's more than that.

Being married has taught me a lot about how to love someone else. No, basketball may not be something that I have loved since I was young, but there isn't very many things I enjoy more now, than watching my husband coach a game. Funny thing happens when you love someone... you start to enjoy some of things they enjoy. By going, cheering, and genuinely participating in this part of his life, I have gained soooo much. I am so thankful that the Lord has helped me to understand this is one of the ways for me to love Matt.

Now after a game he's the one saying, "Babe we have to get up early, can we talk about the game in the morning?" And believe it or not....all I can think about is whether he thinks man or zone defense will work better against his next opponent. :)

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