
Haiti and everyday life

Life can sometimes be frustrating. Things like our dog digging out, finances in preparation for the baby boy that will be joining us in June, and a crazy basketball schedule can wear you down and really take a toll on how you look at everyday life.

Matt and I start to get stressed out, and we get crabby. We are both tired and stretched waaay to thin....which much of is our own fault! It's easy to get stuck in these things and forget about the world around you. We forget how much we have to be thankful for, as we get so consumed in our everyday tasks that lie ahead. When I stop to consider the struggle and pain that other people are experiencing, it embarrasses me how easily I get upset or frustrated with my circumstances. An eternal perspective is what I have been called to have, and situations like Haiti are quick to remind my heart just how out of line it can become.

The images that have infiltrated our homes since the earthquake in Haiti are heart breaking and mind blowing. My first instinct is to turn them off and shut out the pain that I know is quick to follow. My heart aches for those people, and the awful things that they are experiencing. And as usual, my first instincts are wrong. I cannot ignore the pain and the situation. It seems so gigantic and it's tempting to simply say what is my small amount of money and prayer going to do? We have been called to bind up the broken hearted, and to minister to the least of these, and there aren't any qualifiers in those commands. It's for everyone. Here's our opportunity, and with whatever tools you and I may have, let's get started.