
Merry (late) Christmas

We hope Christmas found everyone happy and doing well! It was an interesting holiday with all of the snow and ice. Between a paranoid husband and parents lecturing me about falling on the ice, I didn't get to leave the house much... but it was still a fantastic time with all of our family!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!


Christmas with the Parentals

So we had our annual Christmas celebration with my parents last night. It was wonderful as always. We made homemade pizzas, and all kinds of other yummy food to start off the night. My parents are so wonderful and I am so thankful for the relationship that Matt and I have with them. I mean how could you not love this man.... We all decided to cut down this year on gifts for each other, but I think my parents didn't get the memo! Matt got a new playstation and I got the cutest pair of TOMS ever. My Mom was so cute, as she was talking about getting me, and a child somewhere both a Christams gift.
They have statistics on them about how many people still don't have clean water in the world, and the number of people that are dying from AIDS each day. I will proudly wear them in hopes of bringing a tiny bit more awareness wherever I go. Wearing TOMS has given me countless opportunities to talk about the issues that lie to close to my heart, and I hope this pair is no different!

We got lots of other gifts as well, but the big surprise of the night was my parent's Christmas gift for their first grandchild. They gave us a voucher for any crib we wanted. I of course cried....well, because it's just what I do these days!

So now, any advice on cribs? I have researched quite a bit and looked, but I am still so lost. Go for the 4 in 1 or just go simple and get other beds later on? Should everything match and be from the same place? Ahhh, the questions never end. So, please do tell. :)


Black Friday shopping with crazies!

These crazies are also known as 3 of my favorite women on the face of the earth....my Mom and my two Aunts.
These women are hardcore and I've been in training for years. In my family, you don't go shopping with them on Black Friday until after you're married, as this is when you start buying your own Christmas gifts for the family, and have the motivation to save the $$$!
We rolled out at 3 a.m., and headed to start our 13 hour day of shopping! Hubby was a little worried about me being tired this year due to little Bambino Bolz, so he said I could go if I was in bed by 9:00, which I begrudgingly agreed to. They are like the Energizer Bunny and never get tired, it's unbelievable! They actually took extra breaks this year (for my benefit) which they would lie about and say they needed, so I wouldn't throw a fit about being babied. I guess hubby was right because I actually had to sit down on a step stool in Kmart for like 10 minutes, I guess Bambino Bolz made me get tired a little quicker than I thought! :)
It's one of my favorite days of the year with some of my favorite people. It's a family tradition that we all dearly love, but not nearly as much as I love these crazies!!! :)