
my 25th post

I know people normally post 100 things about them on their 100th post, but who knows if I'll ever make it to 100 anyway! Since this is my 25th post I thought I would put up 25 random things about me....

1. I really hate scary movies. I think life is scary and sad enough, and that I should only watch things that make me happy!

2. I am super close to my family. I talk to my Mom like 5 times a day, and normally atleast 1 or 2 of my other relatives each day...Dad, Aunt, cousin, sister in law, etc.

3. I'm convinced that our puppy Bear is the cuddliest dog in the world, and I never thought I could love an animal so much. I'm dangerously close to being one of "those" dog owners! Sorry Care :)

4. Matt and I have hearts for orphan ministry. We feel called to serve in this area, but aren't really sure how yet. Right now we help sponsor an orphanage in Africa, and we hope to go work and serve there in the near future.

5. I love Oklahoma State University, and still say that there is nothing like the pride that graduating from a University will give you. If they win, it feels like I just won some award, and I'm equally as sad when they lose.

6. Quality time is the way to my heart. I love spending time with people I love, and it totally recharges me. Quality time with friends and family ranks WAY up there on my favorite things to do with my time.

7. I love the relationship my husband and I have. We have worked hard for it, and still do everyday. Having a good marriage doesn't come naturally, it takes work, but it's some of the most rewarding work I've ever done.

8. I really dislike when people are racist or discriminatory. Really, really, really dislike.

9. I miss college.....a lot. Sleeping in, working out whenver, spending lots of time with friends...good stuff all around! Plus, the real world is pretty stressful.

10. I'm a country girl at heart. I grew up on a farm, have hauled hay, given animals shots, and helped farm animals have babies. I was recently buying dog food for Bear in the large 40 pound sack, and the cashier's eyes got really big when I just picked it up and tossed it onto my shoulder. He was on his way to help me take it out to my car. I did it without thinking, and then he started laughing at me. :)

11. I really like all kinds of music....red dirt, old rock, acoustic, Christian...you name it, and I will listen to it. I'm totally okay with Hank Williams, Jr., Bebo Nornman, Ben Harper, or .38 special.

12. I am a really happy person. I'm smiley, affectionate, and if I see you will really truly be genuinely happy to see you. I've always been that way. If I'm having a bad day, I'm more worried about making your day better with a smile and a hug, than being mopey about my bad day. It may come off as me not being genuine, but I am. That's just me! :)

13. In a few months I will be a licensed counselor, which kind of scares me to death. I'm not even really sure what I want to do with my degree. At this point, I feel like it will probably be something in the area of adoption.

14. As you would assume from number 13, I'm a listener by nature. You could talk for 4 hours straight, and I would totally be good with it.

15. Old rap music is one of my guilty pleasures. You just simply can't beat old school Mase. :)

16. I could live on fresh salsa. Fresh vegetables are some of my favorite foods.

17. I've had some of my best friends since we were 6, and I promise you when we are 76 we'll be just as close. My kids will call them Aunt..... and I am already an Aunt! :)

18. One of my favorite smells in the world in the smell of fresh laundry. Most candles and air freshners in my house are trying to mimick that smell.

19. One of my lifelong dreams is to take my babies on a vacation to Disney World. I think it should be a huge family vacation where all my sister and brother in laws and their babies all go, and we spend a week wearing those really cool Mickey Mouse ears, take pictures, and use it for our Christmas cards that next year! :)

20. One of my life long goals is to be a stay at home Mom, jury is still out on whether that will ever be financially possible or not.

21. I love buying people gifts.....seriosuly. I think it's so fun to try to find something for each person that I love.

22. I am a worrier. I worry about all kinds of things. Some are legitimate and some really just aren't..... For instance, I worry about poverty levels, the number of people that die of AIDS everyday, my Papa having to spend time by himself, my family members being safe when they drive, etc., and then I worry about whether my flowers get enough sun, if Bear likes his toys enough or not, and how disorganized my office is.

23. I love baseball. I went to a million of Cody's games growing up and all the way through college. The Atlanta Braves are my favorite team. My husband is going to coach baseball this year, and I am pumped!

24. My wedding day was absolutley everything I thought it would be. I think about it all the time, and how thankful I am that God allowed me to marry Matt. I've never felt more loved on a day in my entire life. My friends were incredible, and family was overwhelmingly loving. I could tear up at the thought of that day pretty easy.

25. I think that we should love people right where they are with no expectations. That is what Jesus does for me, and that's what my goal is for loving others.

So there you go, some info about me. Do we have anything specific in common? What's something interesting and random about you?


School's Out Forever!!

So this past weekend I finally graduated! I guess they say never say never, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm never going back to school again!

Working full time, learning how to be married, and going to school full time have made the last 3 years busy and stressful to say the least. Matt has been more than incredible throughout this whole process. In fact, would you like to know who ironed my dress for graduation? Yep, you got it!

Friday night he also suggested that I go get a pedicure. I agreed, I mean who am I to argue?? So as a result, my feet were way cute for the weekend!

We didn't get many good pictures at the actual graduation, but of course there always seems to be something funny happen when I'm involved. Since I graduated with my Masters, while on stage I was to get hooded. When the professor tried to put the hood over my dorky hat he almost knocked it off! I grabbed it in time though.... Crazy.

After graduation Matt and my parents had a reception for me and all of our friends and family came. We had a fantastic time, and it was way more than I deserved!